legio vi ferrata

The Sixth participated in the Armenian campaign of the emperor Trajan (114), which culminated in the annexation of this kingdom. The Legion served in Pontus under Caesar in 48 and 47 BC. [9], In 106 AD a vexillatio of the legion participated at the final decisive battle against Dacia (see battle of Sarmisegetusa). After it had fought against Brutus and Cassius in the battle of Philippi (42), a new colony was formed for veterans who wanted to retire, at Benevento in Italy. Veterans were later settled at Ptolemais (Acre). All content copyright © 1995–2020 Livius.org. The surname itself suggests that the legion withstood a siege under difficult circumstances, and perhaps its opponent was X Fretensis, but we cannot be certain about this interpretation of the events. This page was created in 2002; last modified on 5 August 2020. [11] Former inhabitants of Lajun Village still conduct a kind of annual pilgrimage to its ruins and preserve the name for later generations born after the village was destroyed - though few remember the name's Roman origin. In 20, Augustus' stepson (and later successor) employed these units to impress the Parthians; they returned the eagle standards they had obtained at Carrhae in 53 BCE, where the triumvir Crassus had been defeated. Genealogy profile for Gaius Julius Severus, Tribune of Legio VI Ferrata. However, the Parthians placed another king on the Armenian throne, Tiridates, the brother of their king Vologases I. This culminated in the battle of Zela where victory was won by Legio VI. What happened exactly is not known, but it is likely that behind the conflict between Jews and Samarians in 195 is in fact a civil war. Later, Corbulo and his three legions were able to turn the tables, and ordered Tiridates to receive his crown for the second time from the Roman emperor Nero. [14], Pincus, J. [5], The legion was disbanded in 45 BC after the battle of Munda, establishing a colony at Arelate (Arles), but was re-formed by Lepidus the following year (44 BC) and was handed over to Mark Antony the year after. The Romans were lucky that they reached the country of their ally Armenia. Legio VI Ferrata A Roman legion was an infantry unit consisting of heavily armed soldiers, equiped with shields, armor, helmets, spears and swords. From now on, Octavian was sole ruler, and was called the emperor Augustus. The Annexation and Early Garrison of Arabia", in: D.K. The Sixth was sent back to the east, to Syria, where it was to remain forever. The legion was disbanded in 45 BC after the battle of Munda, establishing a colony at Arelate (Arles), but was re-formed by Lepidus the following year (44 BC) and was handed over to Mark Antony the year after. Entra anche tu nella grande famiglia della Legio VI Ferrata per vivere la storia romana in prima persona. [6], The Legion's long sojourn in Judea left a lasting trace in the country's geography and culture, long past the end of the Legion itself and the Roman Empire in general, and up to the present. After its return, VI Ferrata was stationed in Commagene, a kingdom on the river Euphrates that had just been annexed. The Title and Symbols of Legio VI Ferrata: " Ferrata" was Legio VI's primary title and is best translated as "Ironclad", suggesting the Legion was noted for its use of iron armor, or possibly its fortitude expressed in the Battle of Zela, where, severely deprived of manpower, it held the right flank and won the battle. Prospect., 20: 175–188. Its name means "ironclad", which is probably a reference to the suits of armor. Legio VI Ferrata was severely mauled by Octavian's forces. Following the battle, another colony of veterans seems to have been created at Byllis in Illyricum, probably together with soldiers from other legions, and the remainder of VI Ferrata was moved to Syria/Judea where it was to remain, while Legio VI Victrix was sent to Spain. With the results of those two surveys the collective team decided upon the best areas for excavation during the 2013 field season. In 2010 and 2011, Tepper teamed up with the Jezreel Valley Regional Project and the Center for Research and Archaeology of the Southern Levant. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, The στρατάρχης of Legio VI Ferrata and the Employment of Camp Prefects as Vexillation Commanders.

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