Public management scholars focus exclusively on the executive level of management in public organizations. We suggest seven principles of the New Public Service, most notably that the primary role of the public servant is to help citizens articulate and meet their shared interests rather than to attempt to control or steer society. Ide baru ini menitikberatkan pada akuntabilitas, transparansi serta partisipasi dari masyarakat sebagai ruh dari sistem pelayanan publik. 2000. This book provides a framework for the application of critical social theory in public administration. . Serve, rather than steer. As the authors put it (page 169): ". The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering 553 give focus to the desires and interests of citizens and pro- vide experiences that will better prepare those citizens for Political leaders of. ing about unity and synthesis (Bellah et al. In the New Public Service, there, is an explicit recognition that public administrators are not. Through involve-, ment in programs of civic education and by developing a, broad range of civic leaders, government can stimulate a, renewed sense of civic pride and civic responsibility, expect such a sense of pride and responsibility to evolve, into a greater willingness to be involved at many levels, as, all parties work together to create opportunities for par-, vious and important role for political leadership—to ar-, ticulate and encourage a strengthening of citizen responsi-, bility and, in turn, to support groups and individuals, involved in building the bonds of community, effective and responsible citizen action. important factor to consider is whether the benefits of a, public administrator taking immediate and risky action in. Data collected through observation, depth interviews and documentation. The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering. Citizenship Ethics in Public Administration. Public employees are feeling more valued and energized as this sense of service and community expands. In terms of the normative models we, examine here, the New Public Service clearly seems most, consistent with the basic foundations of democracy in this, country and, therefore, provides a framework, other valuable techniques and values, such as the best ideas, of the old public administration or the New Public Man-, agement, might be played out. 1937. But, Sandel offers an alternative view of democratic citizen-, ship, one in which individuals are much more actively en-, self-interest to the larger public interest, adopting a broader, and longer-term perspective that requires a knowledge of, public affairs and also a sense of belonging, a concern for, the whole, and a moral bond with the community whose. could be applicable to implementing Russian reforms and, more specifically, to reforming the Palavras-chave: gestão do relacionamento com o cidadão; CiRM; marketing de relacionamento; teoria geral dos sistemas; administração pública 1, democrático hacia la resolución de conflictos a nivel colectivo. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. They point to a fundamental change that is taking place: the importance of state apparatuses for the development and sustainability of viable societies is being de-emphasised and special attention to "governance" is now taking over the central place, that for so long has been occupied by attention to "government". corruption. In the public sector, critical theory suggests that governing systems are influenced, if not controlled, by the wealthy and powerful, leaving public professionals to. potential risks can be explored in a timely manner. to advance; it must be characterized by mutual respect, accommodation, and support. values promoted by it (deLeon and Denhardt 2000; Frederickson 1996; Schachter 1997); the tensions between, the emphasis on decentralization promoted in the market, model and the need for coordination in the public sector, (Peters and Savoie 1996); the implied roles and relation-, ships of the executive and legislative branches (Carroll and, Lynn 1996); and the implications of the privatization move-, ment for democratic values and the public interest (McCabe, “neomanagerialism” threaten to undermine democratic and, constitutional values such as fairness, justice, representa-, critiques, what is missing is a set of organizing principles, for an alternative to the New Public Management.
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