The hind pair of wings are unmarked. Whiteflies are pests which are commonly found on indoor plants, in greenhouses, and on tomato crops. Whiteflies Scientific name: several species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Facts: Whiteflies are generally quite small under 2mm even as adults. Distribution. In the tropics and sub-tropics. High populations are able to stunt the growth of young trees. Common name Whiteflies. The silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci, also informally referred to as the sweet potato whitefly) is one of several species of whitefly that are currently important agricultural pests. Whiteflies mostly suck the ornamental plants and summer vegetables. Biology. The adults are usually white as the name implies and fly slowly around plants. Scientific Name. A review in 2011 concluded that the silverleaf whitefly is actually a species complex containing at least 24 morphologically indistinguishable species.. The last stage is more like a pupal stage than a nymph. The common name of A. dispersus, the spiralling whitefly, is derived from this characteristic egg-laying pattern, although other species of aleurodicine whitefly also lay eggs in spiral patterns (Martin, 1990). Common Name. The Whitefly is a rapid reproducer, so large numbers of them can injure plant vigor and health. By Matt Gibson. It is usually common insects in the greenhouse. Scientific name Aleyrodoidea. The life cycle is complex with the nymphs laying closely on the plant surface. Ficus Whitefly (Singhiella simplex) (Fig Whitefly)Hosts and damage: Attacks various Ficus species (F. aurea, F. altissima, F. bengalensis, F. benjamina, F. lyrata, F. microcarpa, and F. maclellandii).Was also observed on Rhododendron (Azalea) indica.Feeding may cause yellowing of leaves, defoliation and branch dieback. With the exception of the front banded wings this whitefly is very similar to greenhouse whitefly. Aleurodicus dispersus. Common name: Glasshouse whitefly Scientific name: Trialeurodes vaporariorum Plants affected: Many house-plants and greenhouse plants Main symptoms: Sticky honeydew on foliage, black sooty moulds, small white-winged insects Most active: All year round DESCRIPTION: Adults: Mature adult bandedwinged whiteflies have zig-zag bands across the front pair of wings. The four Worldwide. It secretes a sticky, sweet substance called honeydew that can become black with mildew over time, ruining the appearance of ornamental plants. The nymphs, resembling scale insects, are flat, oval, and usually covered with a cottony substance; the adults, 2–3 mm (0.08–0.12 inch) long, are covered with a white opaque powder and resemble tiny moths. Spiralling whitefly. common name: citrus whitefly scientific name: Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Introduction - Distribution - Description - Identification - Life History and Habits - Hosts - Damage - Management - Selected References Introduction (Back to Top). Plants Ornamental plants and summer vegetables. Whitefly, any sap-sucking member of the insect family Aleyrodidae (order Homoptera). Whiteflies Scientific names: Greenhouse whitefly: Trialeurodes vaporariorum Silverleaf whitefly: Bemisia argentifolii (=Bemisia tabaci B-biotype) (Reviewed 3/09, updated 5/10, corrected 5/19) In … Affected plants. Scientific Name(s) Trialeurodoes vaporariorum, T. packardi, Aleyrodes spiroeoides Type Arthropod (or insect) Leaf Condition Arthropods on young leaves Field Distribution Random Season Pre harvest, Harvest Cropping System Annual plasticulture, Perennial matted row. Whiteflies, also called aleyrodidae, (scientific name is Trialeurodes vaporariorum) are small, white, soft-bodied, winged insects that are closely related to aphids and mealybugs.
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